Terms & Conditions

Terms and Conditions of Purchase and Sale of this store, hereinafter simply referred to as this store, and, on the other hand, the customer of this store, qualified at the time of purchasing products from this store, hereinafter simply Customer.

Considering that this store sells products and services online;
Considering the Customer's interest in purchasing the products offered by this store in its sales channels;

I. Confidentiality: it is the store's responsibility to preserve the confidentiality of all data and information provided by the Customer in the purchase process. The site's security is audited and guaranteed against hacking.

II. Customer Service: the Customer uses this service to resolve their doubts, resolve any requests or complaints regarding their order or any content available on the website. Customer Service can be contacted using a form on the website.

III. Delivery policy: the deadline for delivery of products is informed during the purchase procedure, calculated in business days. Product deliveries are made from Monday to Friday from 8am to 10pm. Exceptionally, some product deliveries may occur on Saturdays, Sundays and holidays. The days of presentation to customs of the destination country until it is released for delivery by that country are not counted.

III.I Checking the suitability of the product's dimensions is the responsibility of the Customer, who must ensure that these are in accordance with the spatial limits of the elevators, doors and corridors at the delivery location. The product will not be assembled or disassembled, transported via stairs and/or doors and windows, or deliveries will be lifted.

III.II Up to three delivery attempts will be made to the specified location, on alternate days, with an interval of up to 48 hours between deliveries. It is essential that at the requested address there is a person authorized by the buyer, of legal age, and carrying an identification document to receive the merchandise and sign the delivery protocol when requested. If there are three unsuccessful delivery attempts, the order may be present at a collection point indicated on the postal receipt notice, and, in case of lack of notice, the order may be returned to the Distribution Center of this store.

III.III After completing the order, it is not possible to change the payment method and/or delivery address, request an advance or even delivery priority.

III.IV The delivery time informed during the product purchase procedure takes into account stock, region, bureaucratic issuance process and product preparation time. With each update on the order's delivery status, this store's system automatically sends alert emails to the Customer.

III.V The shipping cost for delivery is calculated based on the delivery location, weight and dimensions of the product.

III.VI This store does not authorize the carrier to: enter the home, deliver by alternative means, carry out installation or maintenance of products, open product packaging, deliver to an address other than that stated in the order, deliver to minors age or without identification document.

III.VII This store is not responsible for the retention of goods at customs when this is due exclusively to the Customer, and therefore it is necessary for you to appear at the tax office for the goods to be released, considering that in these cases the information relating to Releases and payments are only passed on to interested parties.

IV Right of repentance: the Customer will be entitled to exercise the right to repent of the purchase, with the purpose of returning the product, in which case the following conditions must be observed: the period for withdrawing from the purchase of the product is 14 calendar days as per European requirements, from the date of receipt. In case of return, the product must be returned to this store in the original packaging, accompanied by all accessories and any gifts.

IV.I The Customer must request a return through Customer Service. Expenses arising from collecting or posting the product will be borne by the Customer. The Customer must mark it as "Returning Goods" or "Offer" when sending the return and must mark the value of the content as 0 (zero). If these conditions are not met, this store will have the right not to release customs, and, therefore, the product will be returned to the Customer again and consequently the right to repentance will be prescribed.

IV.II After the product arrives at the Distribution Center, this store will check the general conditions of the product within 1 business day. If so, it will arrange for the reactivation of the purchase price of the product, exceeding the initial shipping cost to the Customer.