Is the site trustworthy?
Yes! We work with the largest security platform in the world.

Do you ship to my country?
Yes! We ship worldwide.

Do all shipments come with a tracking number?
Yes! We value transparency and that is why all products are sent with a tracking number.

When will I receive the tracking number after my purchase?
The estimated shipping time will be between 1 and 2 working days maximum, therefore, you will receive a notification from us with all the information about your order.

What can I do if my order does not arrive in the expected time?
First of all, you should contact us to check the tracking of your order. Please note that all orders must be delivered by the regional post office in each country, which will depend on the way and deadlines in which the regional post office in your country operates. If there are holidays or weekends between the sending country and the destination countries, these should not be counted towards the delivery time.
If your order is to be presented at your country's customs office, you should contact your customs office to obtain more information.

Can I return the product if it arrives damaged?
Yes of course! You will have a period of 14 calendar days from receipt of your order to test the product and report any problems with it.

My question is not listed in the FAQs, how can I get help?
Please contact us via the "Contact" tab, we will be happy to help you.
Estimated response time in less than 1 hour during working hours.